Super Mario Galaxy Wiki

A Flipswitch Panel is an item that appears in the Super Mario Galaxy franchise. They first appear in the Gateway Galaxy and serve as the namesake of the Flipswitch Galaxy, where they are ubiquitous.

Physical Appearance[]

Flipswitch Panels are flat, square panels. They start off blue, depicting an interrogation mark on their upper face, but their colour changes to yellow and the interrogation mark becomes an exclamation mark when Mario activates them and back to blue when he deactivates them. He only needs to step on them to activate/deactivate them. When they are all activated, they turn green and display a square on their top face, and Mario can no longer change them.


Flipswitch Panels must be activated to trigger a certain event that is required to pass an area. They are often found in groups of 5 or more. When Mario activates them, Flipswitch Panels trigger a certain event that is in the area's proximity. Their activating tone is clearly in line with the background music and chord structure, but they produce a weird, atonal noise when deactivated.


  • In Japan, they are referred to as Flip Panels.