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Mario running behind some Musical Notes

Musical Notes (also know as Rainbow Notes due to their colour) are items in the Super Mario Galaxy (series) franchise. These are 3D musical notes that can give an 1-Up Mushroom or trigger a certain event, such as turning a Black Hole in the Hurry Scurry Galaxy into a Power Star. The Rainbow Notes normally play out a song, either from past or current Mario games as Mario grabs them, which must be done to trigger the event. Mario only has a set time frame to collect them all before they disappear.


Musical Notes trace their origin to real musical notes in sheet music.


  • Musical Notes have appeared in other 3D platformer games, such as Super Mario 3D Land and Super Mario Odyssey, but their purpose may be different. In the former, it is to receive and item. In the latter, Mario collects them to obtain certain Power Moons.